Who’s ready for a Thai SUMMER FIESTA? The weather is getting really hot and I don’t know about any of you but all I want to eat is salads, ice popsicles, cold fresh fruits. To welcome this warm season we have 2 very special Thai summer salads for you. They may not be ice – cold but…
Thai Five Spice Chicken + Thai Egg Salad (GF, Nut Free, Oil-Free)
Gluten Free Hong Kong Coconut Egg Tarts (Paleo, DF)
Growing up in Hong Kong – Or as Wikipedia calls it “the world’s fair of food” – I have been utterly spoilt with great food. From the classic traditional Chinese regional cuisines (Sichuan, Shanghainese, Taiwanese, Beijing..) to international cuisines (Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Thai), you can literally find the best of the best everywhere in…
MasterChef Recipe: Thai Vermicelli with Lemongrass & Pork (GF, Oil-Free)
Every little girl has their own superhero. Sometimes its a celebrity, sometimes its Batman, other times it can be… well… someone rather unexpected. As long as I can remember, my superhero/ superheroes were Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson. As good as any cartoon or TV show could be, it was never as good as the…
Choco-Banana “Nice” Cream Sandwiches (Grain Free, Vegan, Refined-Sugar Free)
Recently “NICE CREAM” has been a new craze all over the internet. I love that name because it describes this “super simple”, but delicious recipe so well! It literally is a 1-ingredient ice cream (with many optional flavorings). I mean c’mon, who doesn’t love that? I personally like to sweeten mine with honey/maple syrup…
THE MOST AMAZING Italian Biscotti (Paleo, GF, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free)
I became acquainted with Italian biscotti when I first got a box of biscotti for Christmas. It came in a beautifully packaged box. When you see your mum carrying out such a exotic box you know there must be something good inside. Zoe and I immediately ran to the people staring at the box. What…
Mediterranean Chickpea Salad + Gluten Free Pita Chips (Vegan, Grain-Free)
I remember watching my mum pack for vacation. I would sit on her large bed, and neatly fold anything she handed to me. She would go through a her neatly typed out checklist and effortlessly place every item into plastic bags, then into my suitcase. Watching her, I would be in awe of how organized…
Classic Kung Pao Chicken in 30 minutes (GF, Paleo, Oil-free)
The spicy aroma from the chili quickly diffused into the air. I felt my nose tickle. I leant down to smell the garlic, ginger, chili that was crisping up in the hot pan. The pungent chili smell clouded my senses and I had to look away to stop myself from sneezing (Never do that). But…
Korean Warm Noodle Soup + 2 Incredible Side Dishes (GF, Oil-Free)
It finally summer which means the sun doesn’t set till 8:30pm, so we get to enjoy longer hours of sunshine and brightness. It feels so good to walk on campus in a t-shirt, stretching out my arms to bask in its warm rays. Often, I just stop in my tracks, and lean my head backwards…
1- Blender Turtle Black Bean Brownies (GF, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan)
What if I said “Hey do you want a Chocolate Brownies? “YUM”, “YES PLEASE” (of course. Its chocolate!) Black Bean brownies? (silence) then, “uhh..”, “yuck”, “ugh”. Don’t worry. I’m there with you! I mean don’t we all react that way when we hear cauliflower puddings or beet cake? Ok, but don’t runaway just yet! As gross…
Easy, Low-Carb “Wheat Thins” (GF, Grain-Free, Vegan, Nut Free)
I think everyone has a guilty obsession. So I’m going let you all in a secret today. I’m going to tell you what it is – I am guilty of stuffing and going through boxes of Wheat thins, Triscuits, Saltine crackers. Any crackers. I just cannot get enough of the crunch as you bite into that…